1. CWNs are community wireless networks that are designed to provide users access to more bandwith, services and applications. They allow for open freely accessible, nonpropietary systems to be built within communities. The idea of CWNs is to provide an entire community with internet access rather than have people use individual networks. the idea of this is that it will allow for people who normally would not be able to access the internet, because they can't afford it etc., to do so. This would help to bridge the digital divide as a greater amount of people would be granted internet access. This would especially help resource poor areas where some people just simply can't afford to pay for internet services. By setting up a CWN, everyone would be able to use the internet. This would allow people access to more information, would help out with education, and could create a stronger sense of community. While CWNs would help a lot of people, I fear that the problem is that it hurts major service providers, which decreases the likelyhood of their existence. CWNs are great for the users but service providers such as Verizon and Time Warner would certainly oppose them as they benefit greatly from charging access fees to individual users. Open and free access is what is best for our communities, but if it hurts the "Big Boys" checkbook then I don't think we'll be seeing too many of them any time soon.
2. Major wireless companies created the WiMax forum which is set up in order to help them control the wireless market. They are said to be commited to open inoperability which is supposed to promote global broadband access. However, this also means that despite their interoperability, all other competing standards must be pushed aside, even those which might potentially benefit the public. WiFi is one example of an alternative that is being threatened by WiMax. WiFi and WiMax used to operate at different frequencies on the spectrum thus serving as a complementary technology to WiMax. However in 2003, a law was passed expanding WiMax's coverage to the entire spectrum thus allowing them to control the certifying interoperabilty of all technologies within this range. This means that the companies that are a part of WiMax are able to determine what can and cannot be used which gives them the power to deny new technologies if they see fit.
3. Corporate consolidation is very dangerous for consumers because it allows for fewer companies to control more and more of the market. When companies merge, that means there is less competition, which allows companies to raise prices, and also allows them greater control over available technologies. Less competion means that its less likely for new innovations that will benefit the users. When companies such as Cingular and AT&T merge than all of these customers must adhere to the standards imposed by one company. Corporate consolidation helps the large companies increase revenues and ultimately hurts the users. While corporate consolidation continues, the market will be controlled by a smaller amount of people which will greatly reduce the variety of available content.
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16 years ago